Trains13's Club Penguin Cheats

April 5, 2009

memories of cp/chat/and other stuff

Filed under: Uncategorized — Zapper903 @ 7:16 pm

hey guys sorry i havent posted in soo long it’s just ive been in this HUGEEE STORM! it was awful!!! lightning,thunder,hail(size of quaters),rain really bad and power lines were knocked out so im here now anyway iv’e been thinking recently about some memories from Trains chat =/ see i miss when we all used to wake up early and come on chat and Trains,me,pigpen,88,lucky,dgff,heat,darth,mtodi,rock,66, and everyone  used to come on =( and iv’e been thinking about what most do you guys miss or remember?


Pigpen98 – Yeah, I miss those times, Zapper. Those were fun. Sometime in the beginning of summer, when everyone’s off of school, I’ll get stuff together. And maybe hang out at my chat 🙂

Trains13– yea i think we wil have an opening if i can get a good invite or someone to make me one idk

Lil Potts: Yeah i’m gonna be on the chat more from now on also are we gonna have a 35,000 hits party???

Trains13– Yes we Will

Pigpen98- When, though? God darn Jerry’s. Anyway, I know I haven’t been on in a while, it’s because of me having A LOT of friends over lately. I rarely go on, but I will soon. After a while, I’ll come back.

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